Toronto by Ross “Bist” Rheaume

07.10.19 | Toronto & Neighbourhoods

While scrolling our Instagram news feed, we came across Ross “Bist” Rheaume who is posting amazing shots of Toronto and we just have to share a a couple of his photos with you. Make sure to follow him at @bestofbist 




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This is one of my favourite hotels in the city, the absolutely stunning @ritzcarltontoronto For this picture I wanted to showcase its beauty in a cold winter setting. So I went to the hotel during one of the more cinematic times of day, “blue hour” (the short window of time after the sun sets). It was freezing cold outside, and as much as I wanted to hurry up to take a picture and get back inside, I instead pulled out my tripod to take a long exposure of the cars going by (this exposure was about 10 seconds long). In the end, the movement and energy of the cars, along with the beautiful orange light emitting from the hotel, gives the building (and this image) a sense of warmth amidst a cold winter night ?

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Even though I walk alone I’ll never be far from home ??☀️ Going to be sharing a bunch of travel photos from Paris and Egypt soon! Can’t wait ? In the meantime, #tbt to one of my favourite pics of the place I call home ? . . . . . #agameoftones #agameof10k #theimaged #gramslayers #lensbible #leagueoflenses #rsa_sky #skyline #ig_shotz #shotzdelight #master_shots #visualambassadors #artofvisuals #visualsoflife #watchthisinstagood #awesome_earthpix #citykillerz #cityscape #canadiancreatives #igerstoronto #torontoigers #memoirsoftoronto #mytoronto #awesome_photographers #createexplore #exploretocreate #canon_photos #canoncanada #cpfeatureme

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