Selling With Your Spouse or Partner: How to Stay on the Same Page

05.23.24 | Selling

Selling a home can be a stressful experience. From start to finish, it’s a big process with several major decisions and steps involved. With that in mind, if you’re selling a home that you share with someone else, like your spouse or partner, you’ll want to be on the same page as much as possible. 

Unfortunately, too many couples find themselves in conflict as they sell their home. However, with the right preparation and communication, you can make the process as smooth as possible for both of you. 

In this blog, we’ll go over a few tips for doing exactly that. 

Merging households with a partner for the first time? Click here for our advice on making the transition as smooth as possible

Talk About Your Goals First 

Communication is important in all facets of your relationship, but it’s extra critical during big changes – like selling your house and moving somewhere else. With that in mind, you’ll want to sit down with your spouse or partner and chat about your goals before you get the ball rolling on your sale. 

While some smaller details can be figured out along the way, there are a number of major elements you’ll want to be on the same page about before you call your real estate agent. You’ll also want to be as specific as possible about your expectations, for instance, if you both agree that you’d like to sell your home next year, it’s important to pick a month or season that you’d like to have your home listed or sold by. 

Along with selling goals, you should also be clear on where you’re heading next. Whether you’re upsizing, downsizing, or just looking for a change of scenery, you’ll want to be aligned on where you’d like to live next and what your ideal home looks like. 

Be Flexible & Work as a Team

With so many big decisions involved in selling, there’s a good chance that you and your spouse or partner might have a few differing desires here or there. Like communication, flexibility and compromise are important to ensuring everyone feels included, heard, and respected during the sale. 

That said, flexibility when selling isn’t just about being open to compromise when your preferences differ from your spouse or partner’s. Even when you’re both aiming for the same outcome, it helps to remain open to new ideas and be willing to adjust your plans as needed. In a market like Toronto, anything can happen at any time. So, as a seller, being flexible and on the ball will be a big part of your success. 

Selling your home? You’ll want to work with a locally knowledgeable real estate agent. Visit these blog posts for helpful tips. 

Divide Responsibilities Fairly

There’s a lot of work that goes into selling. From cleaning and decluttering to packing, hiring movers, and everything in between. Divide tasks equitably based on your strengths and preferences. Perhaps one of you enjoys cleaning while the other excels at making small repairs or touch-ups around the house. Delegating responsibilities not only lightens the load but also ensures that both partners feel invested in the process.

Have a Plan for Costs

A lot of couples forget about the costs involved in selling a home. While it looks different for everyone, you may run into expenses such as repairs, staging, legal help and of course, working with an agent. Sit down together and establish a budget for these expenses early on. Be diligent about tracking costs and avoiding unnecessary expenditures to prevent financial strain and disagreements down the line.

Searching for more insights on selling a home in Toronto? Check out these blogs for helpful insights. 

Take Breaks

Selling a home can be stressful and time-consuming. Don’t forget to take a step back and enjoy a break when needed. Spending quality time together outside of the home-selling grind can keep the process feeling light and fun. 

Always Consult a Third Party

This is the most important step in selling (or even buying) a home with your spouse or partner. Regardless of how aligned your goals and wants are, it’s always a good idea to work with a neutral third party – like a real estate agent. 

Looking to sell your home and move up (or down)? Silver Burtnick & Associates is here for you. Call 416-587-3300 or click here to send us an email